Alive at 25 is a National Safety Council course

Alive at 25 is a highly effective four-hour course that serves as an excellent complement to standard driver education programs.  Participants in the Alive at 25 class will learn the negative effects and dangers associated with speeding, distractions, peer pressure, and driver inexperience.  Topics discussed include, but are not limited to, current state laws related to speeding, impaired driving, seatbelt usage, and cell phone use to include texting. 

Vehicle crashes are the #1 cause of death for people between the ages of 16 and 24, and young drivers are at greater risk of being involved in a crash.  Crash avoidance is key when attempting to limit financial exposure and reduce liability.  Our dynamic and experienced instructors make us uniquely qualified to discuss and instruct on a variety of traffic safety topics.  Train with us and learn for yourself the difference experience makes.  

The class is only four hours, but the knowledge gained will benefit you for a lifetime.  

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